Patient Resources
Frequently Asked Questions

If you are new to the practice, you may call the office phone number. The prompts will direct you to a call a pediatric experienced triage nurse, who could answer most of your questions. If needed or you are not fully satisfied with the triage directions, the nurse is authorized or you may choose to page the doctor on call at 619-670-7592 for an immediate call-back.
You may call 619-698-2184 and choose option 0 to reach the scheduling desk. Physicals are typically scheduled within 7-10 days. We request you to not schedule more than two older siblings together, and give yourself enough time before the appointment.
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If your child has been exposed, never had or not been immunized (at 12 months) with the chicken pox vaccine, and the rash looks like chicken pox or another contagious rash, please inform us when you make the appointment. We will instruct you about your child’s visit.
Call your pediatrician right away with the following information: The name of the medication? How long ago ingested? Type of reaction – i.e. Rash, Swelling of the Lips or Extremities, Closing of the throat, etc.
Call your pediatrician right away with the following information: Duration and Severity of the Pain? Medications for asthma or prior history of asthma? Prior history of ingestion of Prelone? If very severe, your child needs to go to the closest Emergency Department.
Age of Child? If under 2 months, take your child to the Emergency room for a septic work-up. If older, call your pediatrician right away with the following information: How was temperature taken (Rectal, Armpit or Oral)? What Medications were given and when?
Call your pediatrician right away with the following information: The type of insect (Spider, Bee, Ant, etc.)? How long ago bitten? Type of reaction – i.e. Rash, Swelling of the Lips or Extremities, Closing of the throat, etc.
Call your pediatrician right away with the following information: Age of your child? Associated symptoms – e.g. Fever, Vomiting, Back-ache. If one or all of these present, take your child to the closest Emergency Department. If only symptoms of burning, pain or urgency, Urinalysis in the office will likely reveal Urinary Tract Infection.
Click on any of the links above to go to a page that will give you more information about your child’s illness or condition. These sites have been reviewed and approved by your child’s pediatrician for general information only. Remember, none of these sites are a replacement for a professional evaluation of your child’s illness or condition.
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